Posted by FNCH at 8:18 PM
Now who the fuck said we're having food crisis? We're not, morons. And I should get nobel prize for this.
Posted by FNCH at 9:50 PM
We all were blessed with the humor of the century when JLo fell flat on her tight ass during the AMA. I personally laughed my ass off so hard that I too could falls on it too because this was so inspiring. Well, she said it was not accidentally done and it was part of her choreography. Like we care. Also she said she was embarrassed by the incident. What? Why should you be embarrased by something you did intentionally? Confusing whore.
Posted by FNCH at 9:12 AM
This news is rather odd and disturbing. A Malay transexual who named him/herself as Fatine had successfully conned a Brit lad to marry her (nah, he was more than willing to do so). Go man-girl!
Posted by FNCH at 4:17 PM
No, not really. The thing is, this time she didn't wear her favourite Victoria's Secret bra while walking on the runway, which is odd and Nostradamus and the Mayan would probably predict it'll be the end of the world if they knew about this. In fact, she did not wear any bra at all. She threw some sort of see thru outfit on herself, braless, and walked confidently on the runway, which is awesome.
Posted by FNCH at 3:53 PM
After her first album, The Fame, now she release yet another album with "The Fame" words in it. And just by shoving the "monster" word into the title would automatically make it new again. And we can thank God that she only recycles the title (and not the songs) to save the environment. Links to download the full album below.
Posted by FNCH at 2:23 PM
Posted by FNCH at 2:00 PM
I know you perverts who don't wanna be a pedophile screaming "Yay I another year to go for her to be legal" out loud now. There's no reason for you not to. Look at her, she's hot like a dog. Now come to papa and lick my peanut butter covered balls.
Posted by FNCH at 1:26 PM
Posted by FNCH at 5:10 AM
I was not kidding and I'm pretty sure I am right. Recently when she was in the UK her new film Precious on GMTV, she made a pretty bizarre demands. And just last week, reports surfaced that she insisted on being surrounded by 20 white kittens and 100 white doves for her appearance at a Christmas lighting event in London. She also reportedly demanded to be showered in butterfly-shaped confetti during the end of her performance.
Posted by FNCH at 1:49 AM
"I didn't fit in in high school, and I felt like a freak. So I like to create this atmosphere for my fans where they feel like they have a freak in me to hang out with, and they don't feel alone."
Posted by FNCH at 1:36 AM
Posted by FNCH at 1:17 AM
I don't know much (I meant I don't know shit) about this dude except he's the baby son of US female politician Sarah Palin and he did an almost-nude photoshoot for Playgirl. The leaked photos were all over the internet (and perverted chicks/gays' hard drives and they probably were happily masturbating over these photos for about a week now). For those who didn't have the chance to make their vaginas and gay penises happy over his nude pictures, there you go:
"The only problem -- his hairy armpits! We take only mostly shaved guys. He should also focus on his diet to help him get a bit harder. He doesn't have to go the fitness-y hard look, but he could tighten up a little bit. His body is a little soft. But he has good hair and a great face. He's definitely Chippendales material. Anytime he wants to do the show, he's more than welcome!"
Posted by FNCH at 12:04 PM
Posted by FNCH at 8:58 AM
Alright, I'm kidding, again. Being depressingly alone at home in the morning of Raya Haji (some sort of holiday in Malaysia, if you're an idiot) makes me a funnier man. At least I hope so.
Well, if you're a Malaysian or ever been one, you'll know how pain-in-the-ass the internet is here. They block & throttle everything from torrents to rapidshare. Even for a youtube video to fully loaded, you'll have to wait about the same amount of time your pubic hair takes to grow an inch (no, my pubic hair doesn't grow that fast, it was just an over-exaggeration). And you can forget about watching videos on those colored tube websites (redtube.com, bluetube.com etc). Believe me, those sites are useless if you're horny and thinking about masturbating over some internet porn. Your sperms probably swim out of your testicle through your small dick faster than the data crawl from the server to your computer. Literally.
Posted by FNCH at 8:03 AM
Posted by FNCH at 7:31 AM
Yes! You heard me right. You all know the recently-leaked nude pictures of her; those she posed naked infront of mirrors and camwhoring like no tomorrow, right? OK, alright, I'm kind enough to attach those here so you pervs won't have to press CTRL + tab to google her naked pictures while your other hand is on your crotch.
Posted by FNCH at 5:45 AM
For all those years we've been readying our hands and KY Jelly to masturbate over her, yet what she gave was just some skanky cockteasing moves on stage. Wait a minute, now it's a dream comes true for you perverts. She finally (accidentally) showed her juicy wet pussy for you nigga hags to masturbate over.
Posted by FNCH at 5:22 AM
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