Adrianne Curry pwns WoW n00bs

Here's something for you, WoW fags. This chicks who won first season of America's Next Top Model sure knows how to play World of Warcraft.


Ew Serena. That's gross.

There you go tennis fags. It's your idols black titties right there. Go get happy now.


World food crisis is just as bullshit as global warming. Evidence below.

Now who the fuck said we're having food crisis? We're not, morons. And I should get nobel prize for this.


OK Mom.


Which ass is nicer to falls on? Gaga or JLo?

We all were blessed with the humor of the century when JLo fell flat on her tight ass during the AMA. I personally laughed my ass off so hard that I too could falls on it too because this was so inspiring. Well, she said it was not accidentally done and it was part of her choreography. Like we care. Also she said she was embarrassed by the incident. What? Why should you be embarrased by something you did intentionally? Confusing whore.

Lucky for her, we tend to easily forget things that she's done (and that includes everything, I mean everything). So let's talk about something we care. Gaga. She's now on tour for her new album and her recent concert in Montreal (which I don't know where the hell is that) was kinda awesome. She fell on her ass too. You just couldn't lose, couldn't you Gaga?